Spiritual Direction
Spiritual direction is the contemplative practice of connecting with the Divine through your own sacred story. The director is a facilitator to this connection with the true director, the Divine. The goal of this practice is to bring an awareness of the Divine to the forefront of the mind. In this awareness, there is generally a clearing of heart and mind, allowing the directee to listen and connect to the Divine and see how it is working in their life.
A brief introduction to Spiritual Direction
from Founder, Bridgette Goldstein

Discovery .................................................... No Charge
In this 30 minute session you and your director will meet and discuss any questions or concerns you may have about Spiritual Direction, what it is and what it can do for your life.

Rain - A Taste..................................................... $130
50 minute session
Do you question the existence of a ‘higher power’? Have you been spiritually wounded? We invite you to have a taste of Spiritual Direction. In this experience, your experiences and questions will be explored unconditionally with no judgment. You will have the freedom to discover and be your genuine self.

Stream - Get Moving........................................ $320
3 - 50 minute sessions
1 - 10 minute custom guided meditations (recorded)
Life of the Beloved by Henri Nouwen
You know that there is a higher power at work in your life and you want to learn more. In this experience, you will learn to slow down and connect personally with the Divine. We will explore how you can connect more fully with the Divine and begin to notice communication throughout your day.

Lake - Go Deeper................................................. $520
6 - 50 sessions
2 - 20 minute custom guided meditations (recorded)
Life of the Beloved by Henri Nouwen
You have your own spiritual practices and traditions, but you find yourself lost. Perhaps you are not getting as much out of these as you had hoped or are tired of doing the same old thing with no results. In this experience, we start where you are and begin to cultivate a deeper, more fulfilling connection with the Divine. We will walk with you on your own path. We will help you discover who you are as a spiritual being on this planet.